Limited Obstetric Ultrasounds

If you have received positive pregnancy test results, your next step is to have an ultrasound performed. While a positive pregnancy test may indicate pregnancy, the only way to confirm that you have a viable pregnancy is through an ultrasound. At ABC Women’s Center, we can provide you with a free, limited obstetric ultrasound to determine whether your pregnancy is viable and how far along you are.

How Far Along Am I?

With so many questions running through your mind after a positive pregnancy test, one of the most important is: how far along am I? An ultrasound can help answer that question and others to help you accurately determine your next steps.

An ultrasound can help answer the following questions: 

  • Do I have a viable pregnancy? (Can a fetal heartbeat be detected?)
  • How far along am I? (The type of abortion procedure is based on this information.)
  • What is my estimated due date? (How much time do I have to make a decision?)
  • Is the pregnancy in the uterus? (Pregnancies that develop outside the uterus, known as ectopic pregnancies can be life-threatening.)
  • What is my chance of miscarrying? (According to the Mayo Clinic, around 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage.)

In addition to providing the above information to you, an ultrasound is also a vital step if you are considering abortion.

Pre-Abortion Testing

If you are thinking about terminating your pregnancy, pre-surgical testing such as an ultrasound is recommended and often required prior to setting up an abortion appointment. Because an ultrasound can pinpoint how far along you are, this information becomes vital to determining which procedure is available to you. If you are further along in your pregnancy, some abortion procedures, such as a medical abortion, may not be available to you because of advanced fetal development.

If you are in need of an ultrasound, make an appointment at ABC Women’s Center. Your free, one-hour ultrasound appointment will help you learn important information about your pregnancy so you can make an informed choice.