
Abortion Information

If you are considering having an abortion, our staff is here to provide you with the information you need before you make a decision. You are probably wondering how far along you are in your pregnancy, or what might be involved if you decide to get an abortion. Our medical staff has the answers to your questions. While we do not perform or refer for abortions, we can provide you with the facts and support you’ll need to make an informed decision.

Questions to ask when considering abortion:

  • Am I really pregnant?
  • Is my pregnancy viable?
  • What are the different types of abortion procedures?
  • What abortion procedures are available to me?
  • What are the risks of an abortion?
  • What happens after an abortion?
  • What if I have already had an abortion?
  • Are there other options available to me?
  • Is someone pressuring me into having an abortion?

Abortion Procedure Information

Before deciding on whether you will have an abortion, it’s important to have all the facts. There are two primary types of abortion procedures: medical abortions and surgical abortions. Schedule an appointment at ABC Women’s Center with one of our RN’s to receive further information before making your decision.

Please do not attempt to perform an at-home abortion. It is extremely dangerous and could cause serious health complications.

Before Scheduling An Abortion

Before you can schedule an abortion procedure, there are a few steps you need to take. The first and most obvious step is to confirm that you are pregnant. This can be done through a lab-quality pregnancy test and ultrasound exam at ABC Women’s Center. Once you receive positive pregnancy test results, an ultrasound will tell you how far along you are and determine whether you have a viable pregnancy.

After confirming your pregnancy, ABC Women’s Center can provide you with a pregnancy options consultation. In this consultation, we will discuss all your pregnancy options to ensure you are making an informed decision regarding your next steps. Because we know that a knowledgeable decision is an empowered decision!

What If I Change My Mind?

If you have taken the first pill of RU-486, it may not be too late to continue your pregnancy. For more information on abortion pill reversal, visit abortionpillreversal.com or call 877-558-0333. 

What If I’ve Already Had An Abortion?

Here at ABC Women’s Center, we offer Abortion Recovery & Support. If you are looking for help to talk about your abortion, consider taking part in our confidential group class or schedule a private one-on-one appointment with our staff. 

*This information is intended for educational purposes. While ABC Women’s Center provides pregnancy confirmation services, it does not perform or refer for abortions.