Why Choose ABC Women’s Center For Your Care


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Christina B. 8/10/2017

Whether you’re in need of a pregnancy test, looking to make an adoption plan or seeking parenting support, a pregnancy resource center can help. Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs) are non-profit organizations that aid women and families facing unplanned pregnancies. The United States has an estimated 2,500 pregnancy centers, operating under affiliations such as Care Net, Heartbeat, Birthright and other independent centers. The common goal of these non-profits is to offer compassionate and quality care in their respective communities.

With Federally Qualified Health Centers, OBGYN’s, hospitals and various social service programs, why choose a pregnancy center? Here are three great reasons to consider one for your pregnancy and parenting needs.


Ultrasounds At No Cost

Our center, ABC Women’s Center, offers free pregnancy tests and limited obstetric ultrasounds for pregnant women, starting at six weeks gestation. Pregnancy tests and ultrasounds are a common resource offered at pregnancy centers. There are centers across the country that also offer STD/STI testing at no cost. Some PRC’s even have vans equipped with mobile ultrasound units. The pregnancy centers in Connecticut offer this service through a Go Mobile Ultrasound van. (www.gomobilect.com) Mobile Ultrasound vans make it easier for centers to connect with women who may lack transportation or find it difficult to come to a building.


Nonjudgmental Pregnancy Options Consultation and Education

Every woman deserves compassionate support as she makes an informed choice regarding her pregnancy. Women dealing with an unplanned pregnancy may experience emotions such as fear and hopelessness. At times those emotions can add to the already challenging decision making process. Options Consultation appoinments allow the client to meet with a trained Client Advocate to discuss abortion, adoption and parenting. The Client Advocate’s job is listen, answer questions and share resources the center offers. Tool’s like a ‘Pregnancy Decision Aid’ and a ‘Before you Decide’ guide can be beneficial in helping women process their options and come to a decision they can live with.


Pregnancy and Parenting Support 

Here at ABC Women’s Center we work with our clients throughout their entire pregnancy and until their child is two years old. Our program consists of monthly visits to the center for parenting classes on a variety of relevant topics. Clients meet with a trained Client Advocate and view educational DVD’s on pregnancy and parenting. At the conclusion of their appointment, our Clients are welcomed to shop in our beautiful baby boutique stocked with items such as diapers, baby clothes, maternity clothes, formula, prenatal/children vitamins and other baby related items. We work with organizations that donate new car seats and cribs to our moms as well baby showers. Our program equips mothers with the educational and material support they need for birth and parenting.

Those are just a few reasons ABC Women’s Center could be a great choice for you, but there are many others.

Call our center today for more info 860-344-9292

